Founded in 2001, NeroQom swiftly developed a reputation for ingenious solutions to complex damage, degradation and contamination problems.

Our focus is maintaining the aesthetic value of prestigious buildings and superyachts, whilst changing the way people think by doing differently… 

Today we’re the architects of high-end maintenance across the world. Which is fine by us because we love to travel!

Our strength lies in the expertise we’ve developed through experience. We know success comes from considering every aspect of a project. Not just the symptom, every detail comes in to play.

That can be during any phase, on nearly any material of a modern façade or luxury yacht; glass, anodised aluminium, coated surfaces, stainless steel… the list is huge. That’s why you can find them all on our Discipline Menu over at NeroQom Services.

With all these Disciplines, how do we ensure consistent, effect results every time? Simple, NeroQom ADAPTS

NeroQom ADaPT Defect Registration

The ADAPTS strategy:

At its heart, ADAPTS is a simple expression of the most complex and detailed things we do.

Developed from our decades of experience, ADAPTS is our understanding of materials, knowledge of products, track record with equipment and every project we’ve ever worked on. It’s everything we are.

We always follow every step, even where you wouldn’t think it’s needed. That way we KNOW you’ll get the right results, using the right products, the right techniques and the right Squad to get it done.

ADAPTS is the difference, it’s part of what makes us NeroQom.

So, what is it? 


That’s the theory. But when you see it in action, it’s a different experience entirely… and so is what you’ll see.

Our Family:

NeroQom Consultancy:
Masters of Analysis and Diagnosis, these are the Doctors of NeroQom. Our Consultants handle the evaluation of every project, Assessment & training and troubleshooting both for our clients, partners and the NeroQom Squad.

NeroQom Energy:
NeroQom is committed to the responsible, sustainable future which we so desperately need to get to. That’s why the Project Designers of NeroQom Energy can help you plan, implement and maintain a visually stunning, efficient and flexible solar power generating system for your building’s façade. If you’re ready to do your part for the future, we’re here to help.

NeroQom Prestige:
Masters of the refined, finishing touch, our Senior Technicians are the best of the best so can be found in the most exclusive settings, prestigious buildings and superyachts. This Luxury Crew brings a depth of knowledge and experience to the job which you won’t find anywhere else. You can be assured of their discretion, professionalism and results at all times.

NeroQom Services:
The powerhouse of NeroQom, our Services Squad are the Craftsmen who’ll get your job done. Trained with the latest Techniques, machines and experienced with a huge array of products, these guys deliver results you won’t believe.

NeroQom Store:
When it comes to sourcing or creating the finest products, you need only the Product Makers of the NeroQom Store. These expert Store Managers deliver the finest Products, consumables and most stylish workwear available to our Squad, partners and clients.

Our friends:
When you work with us, you’re in good company…


Hello Prestigious Buildings & Superyachts, 👋🏻
Hello Rotterdam!

We are on a mission to save Prestigious Buildings & Superyachts. 

You’ll see, 
Where they need us @NeroQom, 
Our craftsmen at work @NeroQomServices, 
The challenges we love @NeroQomConsultancy 
and the products you want @NeroQomStore

#SOSNeroQom #NeroQom #Squad #Craftsmen #Buildings #Facades #Business #BMU #HighEndMaintenance #Superyachts #Rotterdam #NeroQomDisciplineMenu
Where do you want to meet?
Let’s meet in Amsterdam✈️
Ok for you?

We are on a mission to save Prestigious Buildings & Superyachts. 
You’ll see, 
Where they need us @NeroQom, 
Our craftsmen at work @NeroQomServices, 
The challenges we love @NeroQomConsultancy 
and the products you want @NeroQomStore

#SOSNeroQom #NeroQom #Squad #Craftsmen #WorkTogether #Facades #Business #BMU #HighEndMaintenance #Meeting #Amsterdam#NeroQomDisciplineMenu
Where do you want to meet?
Let’s meet in the port. 
Ok for you?

We are on a mission to save Prestigious Buildings & Superyachts. 
You’ll see, 
Where they need us @NeroQom, 
Our craftsmen at work @NeroQomServices, 
The challenges we love @NeroQomConsultancy 
and the products you want @NeroQomStore

#SOSNeroQom #NeroQom #Squad #Craftsmen #Sea #Port #Parking #Berth #Superyachts #Business #WorkOnBoard #OnBoard #HighEndMaintenance
It is surely the dream of every Superyacht owner to find a ‘parking space’ in Monaco.  Well, it's nice for us to be here too… 
Our business is great! 😎

We are on a mission to save Prestigious Buildings & Superyachts. 
You’ll see, 
Where they need us @NeroQom, 
Our craftsmen at work @NeroQomServices, 
The challenges we love @NeroQomConsultancy 
and the products you want @NeroQomStore

#SOSNeroQom #NeroQom #Squad #Craftsmen #SOF #Monaco #MonteCarlo #World #Stunning #Sea #Parking #Berth #Superyachts #Business #Great #OnBoard
Going on seatrial is the best thing that can happen to us. 
But you do understand that, don't you?  Live is great in SOF…🏖

We are on a mission to save Prestigious Buildings & Superyachts. 
You’ll see, 
Where they need us @NeroQom, 
Our craftsmen at work @NeroQomServices, 
The challenges we love @NeroQomConsultancy 
and the products you want @NeroQomStore

#SOSNeroQom #NeroQom #Squad #Craftsmen #SOF #World #Horizon #Stunning #Sea #Seatrial #Superyachts #ViveLaFrance
NeroQom in Juan-les-Pins after work.🍹
May the sun be with you…🤙🏻

We are on a mission to save Prestigious Buildings & Superyachts. 
You’ll see, 
Where they need us @NeroQom, 
Our craftsmen at work @NeroQomServices, 
The challenges we love @NeroQomConsultancy 
and the products you want @NeroQomStore

#SOSNeroQom #NeroQom #Squad #Craftsmen #World #Sunset #Stunning #Superyachts #Antibes #JuanLesPins #ViveLaFrance #Beach #AfterWork
Let it be clear, our Squad are not only the best craftsmen, they are also the best of the best photographers…📸

We are on a mission to save Prestigious Buildings & Superyachts. 
You’ll see, 
Where they need us @NeroQom, 
Our craftsmen at work @NeroQomServices, 
The challenges we love @NeroQomConsultancy 
and the products you want @NeroQomStore

#SOSNeroQom #NeroQom #Squad #Craftsmen #World #Sunset #Stunning #Construction #Facades #Building #BestOfTheBest #Photos #Photographers #Amsterdam
Beep me up… Liebherr⛓
Windows to restore…

We are on a mission to save Prestigious Buildings & Superyachts. 
You’ll see, 
Where they need us @NeroQom, 
Our craftsmen at work @NeroQomServices, 
The challenges we love @NeroQomConsultancy 
and the products you want @NeroQomStore

#SOSNeroQom #NeroQom #World #Stunning #Liebherr #Cranes #Accessibility #Construction #Facades #Glass #Building #Amsterdam
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Let’s swap numbers:

P.O. BOX 302 | NL – 4900 AH Oosterhout

Everdenberg 301 – 355 | NL – 4902 TT Oosterhout

T   +31 162 466 002 

CC   200.999.48 | VAT   NL8158.28.809.B01